#19: Journey to Entrepreneurship: The Power of the Side Hustle!

Lady sitting on beach working on a laptop. Podcast episode 19 Journey to Entrepreneurship power of the side hustle. Samantha Bell

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Why Starting a Side Hustle is Your Fast-Track to Entrepreneurship

What if you could turn your passion into a profitable venture, without putting your financial stability at risk?

Well, in our latest chat, we explore just that - the power and potential of launching your online business as a side hustle. We discuss how dedicating a few hours a week can allow you to gradually build your business without the added pressure of leaving your nine-to-five job.

We also discuss the importance of validating your ideas and reinvesting your earnings for further growth.

Imagine being able to strike a perfect balance between your work, business, and personal life. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's possible! This episode uncovers how setting boundaries for your side hustle ensures it doesn't encroach into your personal time. We also highlight why having a side hustle is not just about making additional income but also about the freedom and fulfilment of turning your dreams into reality.

On our journey to entrepreneurial success, we also touch on the significance of maintaining a financial buffer and embracing slow business periods as opportunities for greater investment.

So, tap into your entrepreneurial spirit and join us as we share priceless insights on starting and growing your online business as a side hustle.

Turn your passion into a successful online business!

(full transcription below)



Main Points

01:49 - Smart Beginnings: Launching Your Business as a Side Hustle

04:23 - Taking Baby Steps: Easing into Entrepreneurship

05:52 - Building a Business from Your Passion

06:31 - Financial Safety Net: Keeping Your Nine-to-Five Income

07:22 - Investing for Growth

08:34 - Learning While You Earn

10:12 - Building Your Brand and Audience

11:20 - Networking Strategies: Growing Your Business Connections

12:12 - Maintaining Flexibility and Reducing Pressure

13:33 - The Importance of Early Idea Validation

16:17 - Stress-Free Entrepreneurship: Mitigating Risks with a Side Hustle

17:40 - Commitment to Success: Developing Entrepreneurial Qualities

18:47 - Adaptability Matters: Pivoting in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

19:37 - Networking for Success: Building Your Business Connections

21:04 - Work-Life Flow: Enjoying the Journey of Entrepreneurship

22:05 - Balancing Act: Setting Boundaries to Protect Your Personal Time

23:28 - The Power of Side Hustles: The Clever Path to Entrepreneurial Success

26:49 - Transitioning on Your Terms: Moving from Side Hustle to Full-Time

27:51 - Passion-Driven Entrepreneurship: Achieving Work-Life Harmony

29:06 - Financial Safety: Building a Cushion for Business Stability

30:03 - Empowerment through a Side Hustle: Your Entrepreneurial Ticket

31:23 - Your Time is Now: Start Your Brilliant Business and Beautiful Life


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of your dreams!

It's time to be brilliant, Samantha Bell

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Samantha Bell, Host of the Brilliant Business, Beautiful Life Podcast (16th Ave Creative Studio)

Hi, I’m Samantha Bell

I’m all about helping you build the business – and life – you’ve always wanted.

Listen in for the simple, actionable strategies, mindset shifts, and practices you need to make your business thrive. Plus, a healthy dose of self-care, health, and wellness so you can live the life you absolutely adore while building your beautiful business.

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Today is the second episode in our Start-Up Success series, where we are talking about the very beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. It's taking the idea out of your head to create an online service business, and in this episode, I'm going to take some pressure off you. You don't need to jump in all guns blazing with your business right at the start. It's often a better idea to start it as a side hustle first! Welcome to the Brilliant Business, Beautiful Life podcast, where we share simple, actionable strategies, plus the mindset and wellness practices you need to build the business and life you love. Head to 16thavcreative.com/playbook and download your free guide to design the business and life you deserve today. I'm your host, Samantha Bell, and this is the Brilliant Business, Beautiful Life podcast. Are you ready for the business and life of your dreams? Let's get started. What is the best way to fast-track your dream online business? If you're passionate, ambitious, and ready to make a change, you've probably been dreaming of starting your own online business, but perhaps you're hesitant about leaving your steady nine to five job or you're not sure where to start. Well, there's good news, because the best way to fast track your online business is to launch it as a side hustle first! It's the perfect stepping stone to fast tracking your business, and what it does is allow you to test the entrepreneurial waters while still maintaining your financial stability in your nine to five job.


In this episode, we're going to explore all the reasons why starting a side hustle is the best way to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. It can feel daunting when you're starting a business, let's be real here, but when you begin your business as a side hustle, you're actually taking positive baby steps towards your larger goal, and that's a really smart thing to do. This approach allows you to just ease yourself into being an entrepreneur, find your business feet without any of the overwhelm or pressure that often comes with just quitting your day job because if you just quit your day job, that's a whole lot of pressure. You've not only got to support your business, you've also need your business to support your life that your nine to five was doing, and when you've just started your business, it's not capable of doing that yet. And it also allows you to explore your business ideas, explore the industry, start marketing, start getting your first clients and start getting some money coming into your business while you've still got the security of your nine to five, and it's a good, smart thing to do. You're backing yourself by starting your business, but you're still supporting yourself because you still need to look after all those things in your life. They're not just going to disappear because you've decided to start a business. The other thing it does is allow you to validate your ideas, validate your concepts and your offerings. You can craft your offers really strategically without just guessing and betting everything on your business from day one. So, a little tip is to start dedicating a few hours every week to your side hustle and as you gain confidence and as your business starts to grow, you can gradually increase the time that you invest there. You're going to create good habits early, while you've still got the protection of your nine to five job. You're going to need to juggle nine to five personal life and your business, but you can do it. And if you're only starting with a couple of hours a week, two to three hours a week, it's not a huge time investment but the rewards are going to benefit you 10 fold down the track. Good idea to start investing regular time into your business and getting into that entrepreneurial mindset, getting into the good habits, while you've still got the protection of your regular income.


Now, side hustles usually come about because you're passionate. You've got something you love to do. You've got something you really want to do. You’ve got this burning desire to create a business out of an idea or something that you already do. If you're starting a product-based business, you might already make handmade jewellery, so you wanted to put together an Etsy store. If you're really great at social media, you might be wanting to start as a freelance social media manager. You might be a freelance writer wanting to go more into copywriting. That's how I started my business, so I was a freelance writer and then moved into copywriting. Building a side hustle around what you're good at and are passionate about, you're really setting the stage to build a business that you love, and that's what this is all about building the business and life you adore. So if you start where your passion lies and then work out if it's going to be a profitable passion because there's no point doing something if it's not going to pay the bills or not going to pay for the lifestyle that you want, so work out if it's going to pay for itself You're starting in a really beautiful place, because not only are you spending your days doing something you love every single day, you'll also be getting paid for it. That's pretty fantastic. Start thinking about what you enjoy and if you can monetise that.


Finances are a significant concern when transitioning into entrepreneurship. We've already discussed how a side hustle means that you can keep your steady income while you're building your business, which is going to ease the financial burden of starting your business. You're not going to be relying on your business to both pay for itself and pay for your life when it can't yet, because that's unreasonable. So, keeping your nine to five is going to mean that you can still pay for your life while your business gets up and running. Also, while you're building your business and getting your first few clients, you want that money to do three things.


You want to build a stash of cash so that you can reinvest some of the money into your business to grow it. You want to invest in technology or programs that are going to streamline things or automate things, make your life easier. You want to be able to invest it into some sort of marketing, if that's where you'd like to put it. You also need to put some money aside to save for a rainy day, so that when your client load is low and you're not getting the income that you normally do, it doesn't matter, because you've got money sitting there. Plus, you want to also put money aside for your taxes Always put money aside for your taxes. So you want to be having a tax account, having your emergency account and also reinvesting into your business.


When you're first starting, if you still have your nine to five job, that's paying for your life, so that you can concentrate on growing your business without the stress and the financial overwhelm, it allows you to more easily direct these funds in a strategic way. That's going to help you down the track. That means you're going to be immediately profitable, you're going to immediately have more freedom, and you're going to be building up this nice cash reserve while you're still in your nine to five, and that's going to help you have more freedom to learn and experiment and grow your business without all the pressure. So, use your regular income to fund your life while you're using the income from your side hustle to fund the business. You might want to tap into your nine to five funds occasionally and put some of your savings into the business while it's in the early startup stages, and that's absolutely fine and most people do that anyway. It's always good to start with a couple of thousand dollars in your business bank account before you even start, just to get the wheels turning, and that's obviously going to come from your nine to five job money that you've already saved.


One of the advantages of starting a side hustle is you learn while you earn. The best classroom in the world is often the real world, and a side hustle is your front row seat to entrepreneurship. You're going to learn how to manage your clients, how to market your services, how to handle the finances that we've been talking about, how to recognise problems before they become problems, how to troubleshoot them, and these are all really practical, invaluable lessons that are going to get you into the entrepreneur mindset. They're going to increase your skillset. They're going to set you up so that you have a really successful business down the track. You're going to learn all about sales, marketing, customer service, accounting, everything which is crucial for when you transition from your full-time job into being a full-time business owner. Take advantage of online resources, attend webinars, get free courses to build up your entrepreneurial skills, do paid courses in the services that you provide so that you're really solid in your skillset and that way you can provide more value to your clients, which means you can charge higher prices to your clients as well. The more value you provide your clients, the higher your pricing can be. Your pricing structure always needs to be value-based. That's where you're going to really go leaps and bounds ahead in the profitability of your business.


Another reason it's wonderful to start your business as a side hustle is because, while you're still in your nine to five, earning that regular income, you're able to really build up your brand and your audience while you're still in your nine to five. Having an online presence is absolutely crucial for any business, and your side hustle is the perfect platform to start building your brand and audience. You can start experimenting with different brand elements. You can work on refining your messaging. You can really hone in on who your target audience is and start speaking to them in a really real way. That's going to connect, so that by the time you transition into your full time business, you're going to have a wonderful dedicated following and a recognizable brand, and you're already going to have very consistent income and repeat clients before you've even really gone all in. So that is such a great way to fast track growing your business, as a side hustle and you can do that with the safety net of your nine to five.


One way to start building a recognisable brand is to set up your social accounts and to start consistently sharing really valuable content and engaging with your audience. That's going to make connections, it's going to help you get your first clients, and it's going to build that brand recognition. And so, once you do go full time in your business, people always go to your social pages to check you out. They always do. So you'll have all this content there already. You will have interactions with other people. They'll sort of be able to know, like and trust you from seeing how you've interacted with others previously. So that's going to help you move your business forward more quickly.


Another beauty of having a side hustle starting your business as a side hustle is the flexibility and the low pressure, because you're not relying on your side hustle as a full time gig. It takes so much pressure off you because you can just know that you've got that regular income and you're going to work on your business at night or on the weekends or during holidays, whenever you've got spare time, and there's no rush. There's no pressure to meet sole financial needs from starting up, and this flexibility allows you to grow your business at your own pace and align with your own life and the flow of your life, because everyone's life flows differently and we're all about having a beautiful flow. We don't want the hustle mentality. So you can start your business and start making a really good income while you're still in the nine to five, and it just alleviates all that pressure because you're not relying on your business to do everything that you nine to five is doing before it's ready, because that's going to kill your business, it's going to kill your dreams, it's going to kill your passion, it's just going to stress you out and you want to avoid that at all costs. Now I think I touched briefly before on validation, so I'll just go into that a little bit more here.


While you're starting your business as a side hustle, you can really dig deep into validating your idea. Now, not every business idea you have is going to work. Some are just going to bomb, they're going to be ridiculous. They might sound good at the time and then five minutes later you think ‘What on earth was I thinking?’ Some concepts may sound great in theory but really just don't work, and this is where your side hustle can be a good testing ground for you. You can validate your business offers. You can gauge the market interests, you can refine those offers and make all the adjustments after you've done market research to really create the right offerings for your business at the right price point.


One mistake a lot of business owners make is not refining their offers early enough in their business journey. A lot of people who start their online business just put together what they think is the right offer and it'll be two or three years down the track and they're thinking I'm not really getting any traction here and I don't know why. And it's usually because they haven't spent that early time validating their ideas, getting to know their ideal audience, because they go on full in straight up, so there's a whole lot of pressure, so they haven't been able to have the time, they didn't give themselves the space to do all this early validation which is so crucial to your long-term success. So if you can do that, it will really help propel your business forwards more quickly, particularly once you do go all in, and you'll have the confidence knowing that once you have transitioned out of your nine to five and you're full time on your business. You know exactly who you're talking to. You validated your ideas, your pricing is on point, so you just hit the ground running and firing on all cylinders. It's really good idea to start validating your business ideas, refining your offerings and making all those changes early on, so that you're raring to go, and you can do this by using your social media platforms. You can start a conversation with potential ideal clients or, if you've worked with some clients before, you can do some market research with them. You can also just approach people and say hey, if you give me 15 minutes of your time, I'll give you 15 minutes of mine and I'd love to chat to you about this concept. Would this be appealing to you? And get your insights. So that's a good way of getting some customer feedback so that you can understand their needs better, so that you can then create offers that are really going to take off and sell.


Another benefit is minimising risks and stress. The transition from your secure nine to five to going full-time as an entrepreneur can be nerve-wracking. Starting with a side hustle, like we've talked about, minimises the financial risks, but it also minimises the emotional risks. You won't have all that icky stress so you can maintain your safety net while you're building your business on the side, and this will allow you to really focus on the joy of creating something of your own and you'll be able to really, if you've started a passion project, just dive into what you're passionate about. It will free your mind to be open to creativity, it will open up your awareness and you'll be able to really focus on making something special, making something that's different from everything that's out there. And you won't be able to do this if you've got stress and pressure and your mind is just worried all the time. So by staying in your nine to five, you're really creating a beautiful, harmonious emotional journey for your entrepreneurial role, because starting a business is risky, but by starting your business as a side hustle, you're mitigating the risks, they're reduced.


So if you've gone off on a tangent, you've created something you think is amazing, but then you've tried to validate it with your ideal audience and it doesn't work out and it just bombs, well, it doesn't really matter, because you can pivot and you can try something new without worrying about losing your primary income source, because you've already still got your primary income source. Everything else you're earning now is money for jam. It's on the side side hustle, so everything you're earning in your side hustle is in addition to what you were earning before. So there's no risk. It allows you to not be afraid and because being afraid is a danger to your business, if you're afraid it holds you back. Being afraid makes you procrastinate, being afraid makes you stop and you don't want to stop. You want to keep moving forwards, you want to keep progressing. Every little step, no matter how short the step, is a move forwards and that's what you want to keep focusing on. By taking away this risk means you're free and you're relaxed and your creativity can spark and make something very special.


Another great way of maximising your nine to five while you're building your side hustle is to use the opportunity for networking. Networking is a very underrated part of growing your business. I know for myself personally 90% of my business comes from my networking. Networking and referrals It doesn't come from the social media, doesn't come from a lot of other places where I spend energy. It comes from the networking and the referrals. And you don't get referrals unless you've got a network and some past clients. So, networking really is a huge cornerstone of creating success in your business and while you're working in your side hustle, you can seek out potential collaborators.


Start working with some mentors. I talk often about how important mentors and coaches are for the success of your business, personally and professionally. It's so important. I Can't stress that highly enough. You can also start getting to know other people in your industry, other people with similar but different businesses who might have the same audience as you, so you can maybe do some collaborations with. That are going to benefit both of you. And just getting out there and joining the community, getting in your local community, online communities, connecting with people it's going to help get your business known throughout the community. It's going to get referrals coming in and such an invaluable source of business. Plus, you're also going to connect with people who can give you some guidance and support as you grow. You know they may not be official mentors, but having that relationship with other business owners is only going to help you because they've all been where you've been. You haven't been everywhere yet. You're just starting, so you need to surround yourself with people who are a few steps ahead of you so you can continue to learn and grow, and it's such a wonderful thing to do while you're still in your nine to five. Do it really early, and it will really set you up for success down the track.


Starting your side hustle really gets you into thinking like an entrepreneur. It will test your commitment. You need a huge commitment to make your online business a success. If you can make your business a success as a side hustle while you're juggling a nine to five, there is nothing that's going to stop you. If you can do that, you're already at success level because you're already putting in the effort that's needed. You're already managing your time well. You're already starting to prioritise what needs to be prioritised. You're putting aside things that don't deserve your attention now or at that moment or at all, and you're really pursuing your dream. You're doing all the things that an entrepreneur needs to do. So if you can do that as a side hustle, you've already trained yourself in all these amazing qualities that are going to help you for the entire lifetime of your business.


You don't need to be married to your original business idea for 20 years. What you need to be married to is the commitment. You need to be married to doing the thing, getting up every day, doing what you need to do, maintaining your passion, maintaining your optimism, being proactive and just looking at everything as an opportunity. Your business ideas will change, your business focus and direction will change over time, as you do, but it's the commitment that should never change.


I've talked a bit already about finances and benefit of having that regular income. I mentioned earlier about creating that little stash of cash and having one part for when times aren't going so well. I just wanted to touch on that a bit more. It's that financial buffer that you need to build up for those unexpected expenses and the fluctuations in income. Your side hustle is building your financial buffer for those lean times. It's that safety net that allows you to weather all the storms that are going to come, because this is not going to be a smooth ride. You'll be able to build that up without compromising the sustainability of your business.


If you're building up a steady bank account, that's your emergency fund, your growth fund, your whatever you want to call it. It doesn't matter what's happening on a day-to-day basis, whether you have a good month, a bad month, a bad few months. If you've got this stash of cash put aside, it's not going to bother you. You're going to just be able to go oh yeah, I can pay that, I can pay that and you're still going to be able to reinvest. Another thing to keep in mind is and this is what most people don't do, so it's a huge tip that I'll give you straight up, when business is slow, most people stop investing in their business, they stop advertising, they stop promoting, they stop being really active because they're in scarcity mode. They're scared and they think, oh, I've got to put the brakes on. That is the absolute wrong thing to do. You need to do the complete opposite.


When business is slow, you need to ramp it up. If you've got this financial buffer, you can do that. When business is slow, don't sit there and hang on tight to everything. That's when you need to actually spend some money on some advertising. That's when you need to start spending some money on doing other things or creating other products, or thinking outside the square for ways of regenerating income, of regenerating new clients. Having that financial buffer is going to allow you to do that easily, without any stress. You'll think, yep, I’ve got that money there. I can do that. I need to throw some money at some ads right now because business is drying up, rather than going into scarcity mindset and hanging on for dear life. You've got to let it go. You've got to start spending some money to get some money in. That's a big tip that most people don't do. And if you do do it, you're going to be so far ahead of the game.


And one of the most compelling reasons to start a side hustle is that you can transition into full-time entrepreneurship whenever you like. You can do it on your terms. You can do it when you feel like it, with no pressure. If your business has got to a point where all the stars are aligning, you've got your nine to five here. You've got your side hustle here, and your side hustle income has actually overpassed or superseded your nine to five income. You might start thinking, hey, this is looking pretty good. I can just ditch my nine to five now, because that's the end goal, isn't it? You want to leave the nine to five. You're just using it as a safety net for now, which is a really smart thing to do. But there's going to come a day where you just don't want to do it anymore or you don't need to do it anymore, and you're going to have the freedom to choose when that day is, and having freedom is one of the reasons you start your business in the first place. You want time freedom, you want choice freedom, you want travel freedom. You want all the freedom, financial freedom. Well, this is one aspect of that freedom model for when you have your own business. Starting your business as a side hustle is such a clever thing to do, and, yeah, you can make that transition whenever you're ready, as early or as late as it feels comfortable for you.


Now, many people start a side hustle in a field that they're passionate about like we've already talked about, in something that's different from their day job, and this is really going to make your business so much more enjoyable, so much more fulfilling, and the side benefit of that is it's going to lead to a better work life balance. The flow is going to be beautiful because nothing is competing with you. If you're spending your time doing something you love, you don't feel like you're having to compromise on where you spend your time. When you're spending family time, you love doing that, so that's a joy. When you're spending time with your friends, you love doing that, so that's a joy. When you're spending time in your business, you love doing that, so that's a joy. So everything is a beautiful flow. There's no hustle. You take the hustle out of the side hustle and it leads to that beautiful work life balance, the work life flow.


You also need to set some boundaries so that you don’t get too caught up in doing your side hustle. I know I did and for many years I overworked, spent far too long working when I shouldn't have, and it's because I enjoyed it and I got tunnel vision and got totally engrossed in my side hustle and then in my full time business. So you want to avoid it encroaching on your personal time. So you need to sort of set some boundaries with yourself to make sure that that doesn't happen and that will help make sure you've got that beautiful work life flow. We've touched on a lot of things today and the main takeaway would be that starting a side hustle isn't just a stepping stone into your entrepreneurial life. It's actually the launch pad. It's going to launch you in a way that wouldn't happen otherwise. You can test things, you can learn, you can grow, you've got financial stability and can build your business and get clients. So it's pretty amazing. It's actually going to really set the stage for a successful full time online business when you choose for it to be full time.


If you've been hesitating to pursue building your dream online business because of fear, because of uncertainty, because of financial concerns, remember this A side hustle gives you the power, a side hustle empowers you to fast-track your entrepreneurial journey. It is your ticket to turning your dreams into reality, one step at a time. So embrace the side hustle and let it lead you to the thriving online business that you've always dreamed of, because your entrepreneurial journey is waiting for you. It wants you to start Now. If you do want to start your side hustle, I highly recommend that you grab my free 9-5 exit plan and inside that will allow you to map out your freedom in three hours. The link is below in the show notes.


And I've also got something very special you can jump on the waiting list for my brand new program, which I'm so super excited about. It is specifically for people like you, people who haven't started their business yet, want to start, don't know all the bits and pieces, haven't figured out how to put it all together, what they need to do first, why it needs to happen first, when to do what, how, all the things. It's called Start-Up Success and it will help you literally build your business from scratch in just 60 days. It's using the exact framework I created and that I use in my own business and share with my own clients, so that you can start your online service business without wasting time or money. Now I've got a very special limited spot foundation round. It opens at the end of October, so you could literally start your side hustle, get it all going and then quit your job at the end of the year and go full time in your own business in 2024. Isn't that amazing? You can literally stop dreaming and start doing what lights you up. So jump on the waitlist today for Start-Up Success. You will be so glad you did, and the link is below in the show notes.


If you've been feeling completely lost and confused about figuring out how to start your online business, I really hope this episode has reassured you that you're not alone and that you don't have to jump in feet first.


You can do it the safe way, which is actually the smart way. Yeah, I hope that this has given you some reassurance and made you feel really energised and confident that you can do it, because, remember, you can do it and the time is now right now for the brilliant business and the beautiful life that you adore, and I'll see you next week for the next episode in our Start-Up Success series, and I look forward to seeing you then. Thanks so much for listening. I'd love to know your biggest takeaway from today's episode, so leave me a comment below or send a DM on Instagram. If you enjoyed this episode, hit the subscribe button wherever you listen to the Brilliant Business, Beautiful Life podcast and feel free to share it with someone else who'll love it too. I look forward to seeing you for the next episode and remember the time is now for your Brilliant Business and the Beautiful life you adore.

Samantha Bell


I’m Samantha Bell, the Creative Director & CEO of 16th Ave Creative Studio.

We’re an online marketing studio for big-hearted coaches, creatives and services-based businesses who want to be seen, be heard and be brilliant!

Squarespace website design | Copywriting | Content Writing | Branding & Design - Everything you need to stop playing small and become known as the leader in your field.

It’s time to be brilliant!



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