Bold Choices and the Power of Persistence for Female Entrepreneurs

Bold Choices: Scaling Up Your Female-Led Business

Blog article 'Bold Choices and the Power of Persistence for Female Entrepreneurs' by Samantha Bell, 16th Ave Creative Studio

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Discover how making daring decisions can propel female entrepreneurs past their comfort zones toward remarkable business success.

Entrepreneurship is a journey often embarked upon with a heart full of passion and a vision to make a difference. For many women in business, the drive to launch their own enterprise is about igniting that inner flame — to create, to contribute, to lead on their terms. Yet, somewhere along the way, the very passion that fueled their start can get smothered under the weight of "techie stuff" like managing websites, crafting blog posts, and navigating the relentless waves of social media.

This digital overwhelm is more than just a nuisance; it's a make-or-break challenge that has many women entrepreneurs contemplating a retreat to the perceived safety of a 9-to-5 job. But let's pause and ask ourselves, is the easier path necessarily the one that leads to fulfillment? Is it the answer to the yearning that spurred us to embark on this journey?

Embrace the Bold, Brave You

Here's the thing about entrepreneurship: it's not for the faint of heart. It demands boldness, bravery, and the willingness to step far outside your comfort zone. It's about making major moves, taking risks, and not settling for treading water. Because that's just it — playing it safe and doing the minimum keeps you small and your business from reaching its potential.

Beyond Comfort Lies Greatness

It's disheartening to witness incredible women in business bow out just as their venture begins to gain traction. The "three-year itch" is real, and it's often a critical turning point. It's that moment when persistence is paramount because the fruits of your labor are just beginning to sprout. In fact, it typically takes a minimum of two to three years to start seeing results, and it's beyond the four- or five-year mark that the magic of compounding growth begins to work wonders on the foundations you've laid.

You Are the Change Maker

Remember, the future of your business rests solely in your hands. It's easy to fall back on excuses — not being tech-savvy, camera-shy, or feeling out of depth with social media algorithms. But these are not insurmountable obstacles; they're skills that can be acquired or tasks that can be delegated. It comes down to a simple, albeit complicated, choice: Will you learn, adapt, and persevere, or will you let these hurdles divert you from your path?

Excuses or Excellence?

Excuses are comfortable. They're the soft pillow that cushions failure. But in that comfort, we sacrifice growth, success, and the realization of our dreams. Even Tony Robbins could have succumbed to excuses, yet he chose to rise above them to build an empire and inspire millions. We all start from scratch, knowing nothing. It's the relentless pursuit of growth that separates those who achieve from those who merely dream.

Harnessing the Power of Persistence

The act of starting your business is, in itself, a monumental feat. You've already outpaced countless others who have not moved beyond the dreaming stage. You've established a foundation, garnered clients, and made an impact. That's progress worth acknowledging and building upon.

Now, when the road gets tough, and you find yourself at a crossroads, it's time to ask the hard questions. Have you truly given it your all? Or have you been waiting for success to find you? There's no room for half-measures or waiting for opportunities to knock. Success is about creating opportunities, embracing failure as a stepping stone, and being relentless in your pursuit.

The Journey Ahead

Remember, you've done the hardest part: you started. Now, it's about continuing that momentum, leveraging what you've built, and pushing through the barriers. The entrepreneurial path is fraught with challenges, but it's also ripe with opportunity. How badly do you want to succeed? What's at stake if you give up now? Consider the regret that might follow if you abandon your dreams when success could be just around the corner.

The Essence of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is about hard work, effort, and, most importantly, stepping out of your comfort zone. It's about not giving in to negativity, especially when you're close to a breakthrough. Now is not the time to let go but to double down on your efforts, to remember your achievements, and to use them as fuel to propel you forward.

So, as you stand at this juncture, look yourself in the eye and commit to the journey ahead. Be the fearless entrepreneur who didn't back down, the one who saw the challenges and rose to meet them, the one who turned their dream into a living, breathing reality.

Now go out there, make bold moves, and be the extraordinary entrepreneur you were meant to be.


Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Brilliant!

Samantha Bell, Creative Director 16th Ave Creative Studio. Book now for holisitic, organic, online marketing to make your business brilliant!

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Samantha Bell


I’m Samantha Bell, the Creative Director & CEO of 16th Ave Creative Studio.

We’re an online marketing studio for big-hearted coaches, creatives and services-based businesses who want to be seen, be heard and be brilliant!

Squarespace website design | Copywriting | Content Writing | Branding & Design - Everything you need to stop playing small and become known as the leader in your field.

It’s time to be brilliant!


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